11/02/2013 14:25



SQUALOR: Families living in Sofia's grim Roma district DAILY STAR SUNDAY
ABOVE: SQUALOR: Families living in Sofia's grim Roma district
Bulgaria is going through serious problem

UKIP deputy leader Paul Nuttall

10th February 2013

By John Ward



FOUR million Bulgarians want to come to Britain when immigration controls are lifted next year.


A staggering 55% of those in the Eastern European country would like to move to the UK for a better life, according to a recent poll.


The survey of 4,400 people suggests a huge wave of immigrants could hit these shores in 2014.


Many want to leave the nation of 7.5million people where poverty, crime and corruption are rife.


Bulgarians are already signing up to recruitment agencies in a bid to move to Britain. Daniel Kalinov, manager of an employment firm in Bulgarian capital Sofia, said: “The UK is our largest market.


“We mainly arrange for jobs in the hospitality industry or cleaning, though many work as care nurses for the elderly.

“If you haven’t worked for six months, being a cleaner in the UK is a good option.


“They want to work and they are willing to do the jobs the British don’t want.”


From next year, like other EU citizens, Bulgarians and Romanians gain the unrestricted right to live and work in the UK. Last week a study by Migration Watch UK claimed 250,000 people from the two countries could come here in the next five years.


Critics want the Government to bring in tighter immigration controls.


UKIP deputy leader Paul Nuttall said: “There are a large number of Bulgarians who are looking to come to Britain for a better life and they can’t be blamed for that.


“Bulgaria is going through serious problems, endemic corruption, an economy that has flatlined and I suspect their youngest and brightest will try to find work here.


“When they come to the UK, however, and encounter our own 22% youth unemployment, they will realise it’s not so easy to find a job.


“There will only be one place to go – straight on to the benefits system, which is open to abuse.


“It’s the last thing our country can afford at a time when we are on the brink of another recession.”


Recent figures show Britain is the destination of choice for European immigrants seeking a job and a new home.


Nearly 600,000 arrived in 2010 – twice the number of those who opted for France, according to research by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical branch.


Tighter controls in Germany, coupled with Spain’s recession and its 56% youth unemployment have made those nations less attractive for economic migrants